Monday 27 April 2009

Flash Back to Raya 2005

Cannot find other hari raya pics before 2005 but hey enjoy it while it last...will rummage thru the piles of barang in the other room...mana tau ada kan di flash back lagi..I really do hope so..

Kanangan time laki ku slim he he

Uncle Idin & Late Dad (miss him!)

Eh sama baju cam bapa eh..mmg tah betukar kajap before begambar ni he he

Bapa & Mama enjoying thier desert

My dear 1st cuz (dad's side) ... Ernie

Ah...atu lakinya...Hj Rahman

Alyaa & Bu Zita tengah engross mendangar org becerita atau meliat tv

that's my hubby in red, bapa & late paci puspa

Nah...paci puspa & bu zita