Thursday 23 April 2009

Private Practice Season 2

Think I need to change my font damit tia jua since no one is complaining so I guess ok tah tu..Today itself am going to start Private Practice Season 2. Not a complete episode but what can I say...I need to do something today. Half way thru my book (kesiringkan dulu). Ate porridge this morning with fried onion. Hah! lupa to mention in my earlier post. My husband cooked Chicken Soup yesterday for his dear wife (that's me!) ha ha ha with my instruction off course. Amazingly and proudly I can say that he manage to do it. Off course the "kupas" part like peeling garlic and ginger is by our temp maid (yes..she's still around). Placing all the ingredients in is all him (give him several round of appaulse). Bangga abis kali ah he he. Anyhow, back to today activities. Am watching Private Practice season 2 episode 13 now. Hope I will finish it today so can plan other series for tomorrow. It's almost lunch time now. Got to grab something to munch before continuing and will read my book back after episode 14. Great plan! I hope. Karang lagi nyambung.