Sunday 26 April 2009

Unexpected Happen

Remember that from one of the pics that I upload there is this one cousin that we have lost contact and dont know how she look like and where she is now and how is she. It's like a miracle that less than a day after I upload these pics..there she was on my cbox with the name leez..trying to figure out who without knowing she give me link to her blog. So I ask my sis (yg di lumut) last nite (chatting thru FB). Then BOOM! my sis said "c amoi...ada jua link tu" something like that lah..cant really remember the exact sentence. Unbelievable!! Finally we found her thru this internet world thru my blog. More of thru shikin I guess..Shikin is our other 1st cuz that am not aware of having her own blog. They must have been in contact all this while. Amoi aka leez dont look much different when she's young. Still have this big lovely eyes (anak dara kali udah ah). Hope she's doing well and all and spare some of her time to visit us here her long uncontacted cousins and aunties and uncles and not forgetting her small anak saudara and most importantly her GRANMA. Am sure granma would love to see her again.