Thursday 14 October 2010

Back Again last post was on 27th September 2010. Am I correct? I think so too. Anyhow, am on a break...quick one so I better start typing while all this information flowing from my brain and it will so spell check later. hope none appeared. My head is pounding at the moment, top left side of my back (near the shoulder blade) is painful. Need to get a small pillow I guess to have a more comfortable sitting position or ???.

Been doing so much work (clerical level which am not but still doing it) but today not so much to do so I have to figure out something so I have something to do. Thats odd. Whats going on here? Dont know myself. Well, just do what am suppose to do at all cost I guess. Dont ask me what am talking aout as sometime I myself dont know.

At least my boy is recovering after the tantrum he thrown yesterday. I was so tempted to do something but luckily I was already on my way to work (with my aunt). Today he's ready to go to school. He just do what he want which sometime we relent. This cannot go on otherwise he'll grew up to someone we dont want.

Hang on, am thinking of watching movie today but not sure what yet as am not sure what are showing today (after 5pm). Better make a call but I have not even inform my dearest yet so I guess I have to think again to either watch or not. My favourite (one of it) is playing tonite at about 9.05pm. Hope I remember and wont miss it again like last week where I have to watch the rerun (the very next day).

It's almost time to leave the sitting. So better pack up and get ready to sign off. Calo!
** Manage to spell check after posting ',) **