Monday 18 October 2010

Moody Monday

Why oh Why oh Why!!!!

Didnt attend the meeting after over look the time. Will make it a point to attend the next meeting. Have apologies to the chair person but no acknowledgement yet. Oh man!! never in my life miss a meeting. Was too caught up with other tasks in hand.

Have to wait what my boss will say tommorrow after reading my apology's email. My brain is definitely not functioning very well today as I can think of anything else to type. What is going on???? Not good...not very good at all.

Cant seems to detect my good friend. Is she back from her trip already? Hope everything went well.

Yesterday was a hectic day to me. Woke up nearing to 9am. Woken my love ones. The bigger version done some clearing & cleaning to the bedroom. I at the other hand play game. Help a bit only by wiping the floor (after brunch). Then decided to cook fried noodles, sardines and spicy *sambal* (yummy!). This is more of a brunch to us at its almost 11am. Then around 2ish went to hubby's aunt house then 3ish rush to Lumut to my aunt's place for her blessing ceremony (Haj trip). Wish her & family to return home safely after the trip and *mendapat Haji yg Mabrur*. Amin Amin ya Rabbil Alamin. Rush back home. At this time my boy is still not sleeping. Then around 8ish (pm) went to my huby's aunt place again for late dinner. Grab a bit here & there then almost 10pm when home. My boy sleep by then (Alhamdulilah).

What's in store for me tommorrow? Well, I just have to wait & see. Oh by the way, the supplier for CCTV is fixing my CCTV at the shop today. Yeha! hopefully by this time no more missing cash.