Friday 15 October 2010

Today Babbling

Am to attend a blessing function today for my auntie Haj journey to Mecca (1st Flight). Will not go out for the 2.5hrs lunch so I can knock off early today at around 3pm to attend the 3-3.30pm function. Have to make a stop later to pass key finder to a friend too. What a busy day. You think? Not really actually.

This morning a colleague try to pass on another clerical job which I decline. Request them to pass me a different task that has more meaning. Furthermore, am paid to do more than a clerical job. Dont think that a right way to do unless I want an easy job with higher pay. Hang on! Isnt that what most people want? I still dont think its right. Thats we call ** Makan Gaji Buta **

Request our workers at the shop to rearrange as per my layout and it seems that the shop look so not welcoming which I dont like. So ask them to rearrange to make it look cozy. Cant have a shop look unwelcoming. Not our shop. It is a must for me to be there to see it myself so I can figure out on how to make it look welcoming. Repeating the word "welcoming" in my last 3 sentances. Am I running out of word? Perhaps.

My dear good friend is flying to Singapore with her parents. Now who can I email to disturb today? None! Maybe my other friends at the other department can be disturbed but am sure they all went out for lunch. Why dont they come and pick me up? Darn! Wait! Am not suppose to go out for lunch. Idiot! Oh well...let me think of what to be done during lunch so that I can run out of the office earlier.

My boy dont want to go to his extra class today (chinese class) but after so much persuasion from myself and my maid he finally relent and have his bath, clothed and ready to go. Its just a hour class and not really a boring class from the look of it (send him once before). Then my aunty decided to pick me up. Piew! At least I dont have to walk in from outside the gate. Alhamdulilah.

This is what happen when am in the mood to write (type). Better stop and start doing something. A break can only be taken a couple of minutes at a time before I go bonker. So am thankful I have this (blog). Tomorrow is Saturday then Sunday take out and finally Monday, start of the week. Not really looking forward to it. Chow to who ever read this.