Monday 27 April 2009

Flash Back to Raya 2005

Cannot find other hari raya pics before 2005 but hey enjoy it while it last...will rummage thru the piles of barang in the other room...mana tau ada kan di flash back lagi..I really do hope so..

Kanangan time laki ku slim he he

Uncle Idin & Late Dad (miss him!)

Eh sama baju cam bapa eh..mmg tah betukar kajap before begambar ni he he

Bapa & Mama enjoying thier desert

My dear 1st cuz (dad's side) ... Ernie

Ah...atu lakinya...Hj Rahman

Alyaa & Bu Zita tengah engross mendangar org becerita atau meliat tv

that's my hubby in red, bapa & late paci puspa

Nah...paci puspa & bu zita

Sunday 26 April 2009

Unexpected Happen

Remember that from one of the pics that I upload there is this one cousin that we have lost contact and dont know how she look like and where she is now and how is she. It's like a miracle that less than a day after I upload these pics..there she was on my cbox with the name leez..trying to figure out who without knowing she give me link to her blog. So I ask my sis (yg di lumut) last nite (chatting thru FB). Then BOOM! my sis said "c amoi...ada jua link tu" something like that lah..cant really remember the exact sentence. Unbelievable!! Finally we found her thru this internet world thru my blog. More of thru shikin I guess..Shikin is our other 1st cuz that am not aware of having her own blog. They must have been in contact all this while. Amoi aka leez dont look much different when she's young. Still have this big lovely eyes (anak dara kali udah ah). Hope she's doing well and all and spare some of her time to visit us here her long uncontacted cousins and aunties and uncles and not forgetting her small anak saudara and most importantly her GRANMA. Am sure granma would love to see her again.

Saturday 25 April 2009


Am so so so so the very so exhausted after two days in the row scanning amending and uploading old and some are very old pictures. I might do it again but not this week. Got to rummage in the other room for our dad's old pics when he's still young. Anyhow, finish private practice season 2 (singan yg ku upload lah) and really finish reaper season 1 and now watching season 2. Need to remind my hubby to buy me books today. Have nothing to read today. Guess my lil bro will be here soon. Kan buking tiket. Chow!

Down the Memory Lane - Our Family

I know..I know but this is how our previous living room look like..after the flood hte carpet was removed totally..cannot be used anymore

Lps marah kali ni..ia tah nda senyum...1989

Ani pun dlm 1989 ni...malas usulnya

Kekajutan kali eh..marak mata..ujung kaki pun karau bah

Blend in aku ah sama kerusi...kacamata pun bagang msh...1989

Posing babe...that brown share under your eyes are no longer there this day...

Weight below 40kg..slim gila kali ah

Senyum simpul..bakas bahapa kah ni

Stand straight please...

Di hotel labuan..nda ingat namanya...macam baju org Oxford bah he he

Our tangah Masri...mana kah ia masa ani..ayu lagi usulnya tu he he 1989

Lil sis with best fren cum 1st cuz ...Bina..time atu lah tu

Bukannya nda hitam aku atu...that my fav t-shirt..jadi kain parca tia udah

Posing sebelum Walkaton...25Jun88

Ambil gambar w/o glasses

Rumah mulah nini Minah di Limbang...1Jul88

Arah pelantaran rumah nini Minah

Paling ayu tah sudah ni..1988

The ever studious sis of mine..1988

Nda tah kita walaupun belamari udah...yg penting dapat begambar

Di Anduki Seria..3May93

The "in" fashion masa atu

Masa atu bapa tah ganya yg tedapat urung tah yg lain kan bemain

Bapa tengah concentrate bemain...Muna asyik meratikan..pipik nda mau kana gambar

Yang betudung Tua Dayang Hidup..ia tah ganya kali ni gambarnya arah kami..nda suka begambar the pis is Ka Iti

Yg ke 2 dari kanan paci Udin (Ahmad Khan) sama of my dad's bro

3 org di belakang atu are our 1st cuz..anak paci udin...from left Azrul, Aznina (luruskah tu) & Azhar

Napa bungsu malar lepak arah tani dulu atu ah..curious ku eh tp siuk lah ramai2 ani

Time bungsu masih slim

Down the Memory Lane - Family Gathering

Nini dulu2 suka join family gathering jua

The lovely dovey couple and Nabil with her white frothy dress

I think hari jadi anak tua..siapa namanya ni ah he he sori lah

Ani pun nda ku tau siapa yg hari jadi..irwan kali...1993

I think this is around 1993 di Bukit Shahbandar

Either Shikin atau Nadia di belakang Paci Nas ani

Nda ku sure anak bungsu yg mana ni...2nd or 3rd son

Mama & Bu Asmah dalam kapal menuju ke Labuan..nda ingat what year

In one of the hotel or motel di Labuan..nda ku tau namanya

Ntah kedapatan tia bekacamata...kajap ada kajap nada

Enjoying ourselves on the deck of the ship..Posing abis bungsu ah

Baru sampai ni

Bu Sinah & Mama on 16May93

Alinoor / Nunui time muda2 he he kurus sket & banyak masih rambut

Macho gila kali ah...

Kenal ku tu baju kemeja ah he he he

Tengah concentrate makan tp kidum2 masih

Bila tah lagi kan cani ani ah

Org tengah asyik makan kana gambar

Apa tah usul c amoi masa ani ah...muda banaar kali udh ah...

Siapa yg kiri sekali atu ah? ahaks! sori lah..jgn marah ah