Wednesday 27 May 2009

Indonesian Foods..Alhamdulillah!

Today's dinner is courtesy of my lil sis and courtesy of me calling her less than 20 minutes to 7pm asking her to treat me (inclusive of my 2 boys and mum lah tu) for dinner of her choice. Just trying my luck..nasib baik kanyang ler tu he he he & yes really in luck when her hubby call mine to say eat at SRI WANGI Sengkurong Branch...we had taugeh ikan masin (end up with anchovies..must be running out of salted fish), mee goreng kosong (for my boy & me), 2 portions of butter chicken (I think..test buttery), sulawesi fish (tasty), tom yum soup, corn soup (mainly for her daughter..she luvs it)..what else ah..atu aja kali..Alhamdulilah kanyang..Thanks sis! Bulan dapan lagi ah