Tuesday 2 June 2009

Back in Brunei

Finally am back to Brunei!!! My bro-in-law cum my hubby 1st cousin pick us up from the airport..we arrived like 10 minutes to 12m/n and only come out about 12.15 or 12.20. Long queue for the custom clearance. Arrive home approximately 12.45m/n and am still awake. Will posted some of the pics taken during the trip. My son still with my mom. Kesian jua kan di lalih. Esuk gerenti nda kejumpahan till kami balik kaja. What to do...sabar tah saja...Need to sleep in a short while. My throat really itchy since 1st nite in Saigon..must be lack of water on my part and the freezing a/c in the hotel room. GUD NITE!!!