Thursday 7 May 2009

Today Activities

Woke up late coz unable to sleep due to stomach acting up. Woken by a text from my dear fren and a visit from my mom with my boy. After a while, I went down to cook. Let see...butter prawn (home style), chicken brocolli with butter and black pepper chix. Yummy!

After lunch, bawa my boy upstairs so the maid can eat in peace. On our way up my boy said "eia agi" so bascially he buang air besar ha ha ha. Need to get him to tell me he need to po po before it actually happen. Need to start him on no diapers thingy I guess for day time. Luckily my hubby is back for lunch so he's the one (as always) to clean my boy. As for me, very seldom this days. Earlier, my mom bring him "jalan-jalan". If not mistaken to my grandma house then back home for a while to get his milk than pick up my sis's children and finally shop at mitra.

My stomach is still acting up as I typed this. My hubby on his way to work & my boy is with my maid to play some more. Basically this is to make him tired and finally sleep. I can still hear him down there so he's must be still playing. Got to get a grip lah this perut. Darn! Anyhow. Let's up date again at a later stage when am up to it.