Sunday 10 May 2009

Selamat Hari Jadi

This is my dear youngest auntie (My mom's sis). Yesterday was her birthday. Am suppose to to this Friday nite but to tired to do it. Then I text her yesterday and thinking for doing it by then but what can I say. I was very lazy yesterday. Anyhow. Here I am a day later posting this. This picture was taken I think between more than 3 years ago (I was still with Audit Dept back then). This was taken during one of her birthday celebration at her office. If am not mistaken it was a surprise made by her staff and as for me I was just they to enjoy it. Hope her celebration was grand last nite. Am sure her 4 kids think of something memorable to do. Not sure about Ajmal tho' since she not feeling well since Thursday. Luckily my aunt decided to bring her to JPMC for another check-up. Sometime you just cant rely on one conclusion on what is going on with your kid. Again, HEPI BESDAY AUNTIE!!