Wednesday 27 May 2009

Indonesian Foods..Alhamdulillah!

Today's dinner is courtesy of my lil sis and courtesy of me calling her less than 20 minutes to 7pm asking her to treat me (inclusive of my 2 boys and mum lah tu) for dinner of her choice. Just trying my luck..nasib baik kanyang ler tu he he he & yes really in luck when her hubby call mine to say eat at SRI WANGI Sengkurong Branch...we had taugeh ikan masin (end up with anchovies..must be running out of salted fish), mee goreng kosong (for my boy & me), 2 portions of butter chicken (I think..test buttery), sulawesi fish (tasty), tom yum soup, corn soup (mainly for her daughter..she luvs it)..what else ah..atu aja kali..Alhamdulilah kanyang..Thanks sis! Bulan dapan lagi ah

Saturday 23 May 2009

Dinner by Request

Almost 7pm my lil' sis call me...thought something is up since her daughter 8th birthday is today. Didnt get her anything tho'. Might buy something from my upcoming trip. Baju kurung saja kali. Anyhow, at the end she was (my lil' sis that is) asking me to belanja her. I was like "huh?" he he he Thought she want to treat us for her daughter birthday. Nevermind lah, despite not salary day..I end up getting my hubby to treat us he he he Baik jua laki ku ani ok ahaks...first we decided to makan kat KTM at Jerudong but then I remember there's one restaurant that we have not been to for ages..the one near HSBC Jerudong...Apa nama restaurant atu ah? Baru ia..apa2 pun its Thai's restaurant...Nya laki ku Restaurant Aqil Shafie...lurus kah tu...

Kanyang ku udah tp anak ku baru kan kunyah-kunyah

The one in green yg hari jadi..yg langap2 atu mamanya hehe

Mama pun join..nda jua kan di tinggalkan

anak ku masih makan..kami selasai udah

Baru ingat kan mengambar lapas abis makan

Friday 22 May 2009

Last Weekend KK Trip Pics

1st trip on plane this year
Senyum lebar dalam kapal

Mesmerised by the view...iski meliat laut..baik jua less than half hour flight..mun nda aku yg kusut..nda mau teranah ani wah

The new KK International Airport

Kacamata ultraman gaia...bergaya abis bah anak ku ani tp nda pandai batah memakai

Apa kah yg di subuknya ani..baik jua nda ada taik idung

Tido dalam keta c Pham..lapas kami makan

Patung Bear Mr. Bean..ani di KK Apot udah..nunggu kapal datang utuk balik

Papa & Anak gaya ultraman gaia he he he

Ultraman gaia ilang kepala...baru kapal depart kakinya kana patah..hmm

Friday 15 May 2009

Last Minute Getaway

Will be off to KK esuk on late afternoon flight with my hubby and son. Actually plan for day trip only to buy something there but then I got no one to go with so end up spend a night there. Well I need this getaway anyway..badly needed!! Only booked the hotel this evening. Stay at Kinabalu Daya with is not far from Capitol Hotel and in front of Wisma Merdeka. Would love to drive down but that would be too exhausting so fly lah apa lagi. The fact that tomorrow will be the final AF concert...I have to contact my KK fren so that we can watch at his place (rasa jua tu). My friend will only be back from Melbourne tomorrow too but I just dont care hehe he doesnt mind either. Will keep an update once am back..if rajin lah tu.

Monday 11 May 2009

Back to Work

Amazingly I start working today...wish and wish and wish that I can still take my leave hehe but what can I much as I want to I need to get back to work to get my mind off it. It was fun..spend most of my day going thru hundreds of emails..lucky me it does not reach 1000..piew! Alhamdulilah!! Syukur kehadrat Allah...despite the fact am still a bit dizzy at time but all in all I survive till 5.15pm...then why wait..balik tah saja since my hubby already arrive di bawah with my dear cheeky boy...Then my hubby decide to bawa us to pasar malam (still patang)..bali nasi lemak bungus with daun nyirik (3 for $1). Paci ani selalunya bejual di tamu kianggeh time pagi and patang di tamu gadong...lama udah nada..finally I have been waiting endlessly for him to turn up ..rupanya umrah ia...Anyhow at least ada udah...Actually dont know apa kan dibali so ku antam gerabak tah is my laki...nda ia tau apa kan di bali..hantam tah saja nya hehe tomorrow will be 2nd day to work...not fully gear up but I manage...take one step at a time....

Sunday 10 May 2009


All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his. By Oscar Wilde

There is no love, like a mother's love,
no stronger bond on earth...
like the precious bond that comes from God,
to a mother, when she gives birth.

A mother's love is forever strong,
never changing for all time...
and when her children need her most,
a mother's love will shine.

God bless these special mothers,
God bless them every one...
for all the tears and heartache,
and for the special work they've done.

When her days on earth are over,
a mother's love lives on...
through many generations,
with God's blessings on each one.

Be thankful for our mothers,
for they love with a higher love...
from the power God has given,
and the strength from up above.

SELAMAT HARI IBU to my beloved mother.

Selamat Hari Jadi

This is my dear youngest auntie (My mom's sis). Yesterday was her birthday. Am suppose to to this Friday nite but to tired to do it. Then I text her yesterday and thinking for doing it by then but what can I say. I was very lazy yesterday. Anyhow. Here I am a day later posting this. This picture was taken I think between more than 3 years ago (I was still with Audit Dept back then). This was taken during one of her birthday celebration at her office. If am not mistaken it was a surprise made by her staff and as for me I was just they to enjoy it. Hope her celebration was grand last nite. Am sure her 4 kids think of something memorable to do. Not sure about Ajmal tho' since she not feeling well since Thursday. Luckily my aunt decided to bring her to JPMC for another check-up. Sometime you just cant rely on one conclusion on what is going on with your kid. Again, HEPI BESDAY AUNTIE!!

Thursday 7 May 2009

Today Activities

Woke up late coz unable to sleep due to stomach acting up. Woken by a text from my dear fren and a visit from my mom with my boy. After a while, I went down to cook. Let see...butter prawn (home style), chicken brocolli with butter and black pepper chix. Yummy!

After lunch, bawa my boy upstairs so the maid can eat in peace. On our way up my boy said "eia agi" so bascially he buang air besar ha ha ha. Need to get him to tell me he need to po po before it actually happen. Need to start him on no diapers thingy I guess for day time. Luckily my hubby is back for lunch so he's the one (as always) to clean my boy. As for me, very seldom this days. Earlier, my mom bring him "jalan-jalan". If not mistaken to my grandma house then back home for a while to get his milk than pick up my sis's children and finally shop at mitra.

My stomach is still acting up as I typed this. My hubby on his way to work & my boy is with my maid to play some more. Basically this is to make him tired and finally sleep. I can still hear him down there so he's must be still playing. Got to get a grip lah this perut. Darn! Anyhow. Let's up date again at a later stage when am up to it.

Monday 4 May 2009

Unthinkable..Foreseenable but Undescriabable

It is really hard to keep sane when you lost it. But sane it is. If not, I dont know what I would do. As crazy as it may sound, I'm at lost now. What am I suppose to do. All the advise given were well taken care of and strictly followed, and yet still not enough. Once could be put aside but twice? It's unthinkable but as I said, I have to remain sane for my sanity sake. There're no words can actually describe it. Mute? Nope. Speechless? Me? Very unlikely. Undescribable? Maybe or could be it. I dont know how to describe how I actually feel at this very moment. Truth to be told. I just dont know. I guess I just have to make myself busy again with all the upcoming activities lined up for the next few months or maybe until end of the year. Need to plan what to do next but that can be put on hold and immersed myself with others except that. For what it's worth...I really badly forcefully want it.