Tuesday 24 February 2009

Last Night

Read my sis's blog then asked her about her nightmare...guess what...dream of flood...and guess what..flood happen last night..minor but still need to do some clean up this morning. Not done by me tho he he by our maid!

On sunday my husband move the sandbag as requested by my mom by hey! last nite my bro in law and the maids have to rearrange it again as we were out to my mom in law wedding anniversary mini celebration.

Last night..my boy accidentally smack my sis's baby...my boy was shock and the baby was crying..give my sis & myself a shock too...clumsy boy!

Back to the past pics are still pending..busy with our upcoming expo / bazaar at the mall & yayasan & not forgetting the "tabung amal" bazaar across Sheraton Utama Hotel. hope I get the time to scan those tonite.

Friday 20 February 2009

Back to the Past

Few days ago something amazing happen...we were flipping an old photos of myself and my siblings particularly my two sisters...Cant imagine the then hairdo and posing style look bizzare now...my youngest sister laugh her heart out..pratically uncontrollable when she look at these all pics especially pics of her other sis (not me)...by hey! That was the "in" hairdo and the "in" posing style...Thinking of posting some on this blog..let me pick out the best and share the joy...will leave my pic behind ha ha ha not going to embarass myself...I even show some to my husband saying "Ia tah usul bini sayang dulu ni"...my hubby just smile and keep quite...he does join on & off looking at these pics...really back to the past...I wonder in another 15 years time (if remain alive) we might be laughing at the present photos too

Friday 13 February 2009

Sakit Parut

My dear son's tummy is sakit. He's not cracky, he just cry when there's pain. After that he's fine. I cant figure out the reason of this pain. Lately he did not sleep in the afternoon. So today he end up sleeping at around 7pm. Around 10.30pm, which is just now, look like he has in mild pain then sleep again. Gosok some vicks vapour on his tummy and back (coughing a bit). Hope he'll be fine by tomorrow. Amin!