Thursday 15 December 2011

Passing Thru

OMG!! I just realised I have a blog that I have not been updating for ages. More than A YEAR!!!!! As usual I have this tendency to forget (factor umur tu kali). So many things have happen for the year 2011 and yet we are now towards the end of 2011. UNBELIEVABLE! Anyhow believe it. What am I suppose to say? Well, lets put it this way, I just found out that I have 4 fibroids, 2 rather small fibroids but in my uterus and just next to the lining (accordingly this will prevent me from getting pregnant!!!) then another 2 which is medium size (4.2cm & 3.7cm) just outside of my uterus. Guess thats what have been causing that excruciating pain for the past months & years whenever am having my monthly cycle. I am now trying a product (I hope it works). About a month already and let see what the result be when I did my scan next year (hope I remember this). If those fibroids (importantly the one inside my uterus) are gone..vanish..poof! Will let u know (If I remember this too). Will try to keep on updating for any news or valuable info that I can share with you which I suppose there are several stored somewhere. Will get back on that. Chow for now.