Thursday 26 March 2009

Steamboat Time

Since am on leave and have no particular place or country to go to so I end up with my hubby & boy going around brunei muara district not knowing where to head to. So we decided to visit utama grand for groceries shopping. Sekali teliat tah ku jua yong tau fo punya barang. Call my youngest sis and talk to her into having steamboat at home and she agreed. How can she say no to food he he he. So I end up beli all the necessary stuff and my sis make the tom yam soup. Sampai rumah prepare the necessary than by 8pm still my sis nada so I ring her..baru tia kan jalan. Ceh!! Rupa2nya parents in law at home. No wonder she's late. Anyway, we make do with what I bought & soup made by her. Ah lupa, she has steamboat punya utensil so lagi better. Kanyang jua lah ulihnya. Either by the contents or soup or maybe both. Yummy!! My boy as usual sharpening his "cooking skill" with the food. No point to stop him. Let him do what he want.

Anak ku Sakit!!

On the 1st day of my leave, 3 days ago, my boy woke me up at 5am asking to move to the tv room. When I hold him, he's burning like roasted chicken. He's temperature is 39.8. He drink his milk then went back to sleep accompanied by his dad. Then in 2 hrs he woke up again still bruning so I gave him neurofen to reduce the heat. Macam oven tia jua bunyinya. Then in an hr he lagi but this time he jerk few times and I cannot tahan takut memalak so we brought him to private clinic. I feel like this is the worst coz he just sit there with dewy eyes. He did not even object to whatever the doctor did when so not him. No mood to eat at all which is also not like him.

For 2 full days he's pampered like no other days. With his dad & myself at home he's really dotted by us. By 3rd day which is yesterday, he back to normal. The heat is below 37 already so yes he back to himself singing, jumping, talking and demanding to be treated with extra unconditional love as the previous day when he's not well. Unbelievable but we do concede to him but not all tho. Karang kebiasahan tia. Nda dapat luan di dulur...julur-julur tia karang.